csl Wi-Fi Service |
Q:What is csl Wi-Fi?
A:csl Wi-Fi is a high-speed, wireless data network provided by Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited that connects users to the Internet. It uses the most popular Wireless LAN technology IEEE 802.11b/g/n for the Internet connection. This service is launched at dedicated public access locations. With full connectivity to the Internet, users of this service can access any Internet resources, as well as any corporate networks to which they may have access from the Internet. |
Q:Who is eligible to use the csl Wi-Fi service?
Everyone can enjoy the csl Wi-Fi service. All NETVIGATOR subscribers with a valid @netvigator.com or @hkstar.com e-mail address, as well as all Business Broadband services, including @ WORK Single Access, @ WORK Multi-Access, Premier Multi-Access, Always-on and Business Dialup subscribers (except Leased Line and ATM customers) are eligible for the csl Wi-Fi service. For CSL mobile users (selected monthly plan) are eligible for the csl Wi-Fi service. For other users, you can also register this service online on the spot.
Q:If I am not a NETVIGATOR nor CSL mobile customer, how can I subscribe to the csl Wi-Fi service?
A:With a notebook properly installed Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n wireless network card ready, once you launch your Internet browser within a csl Wi-Fi Wi-Fi hotspot, you will receive a login page to subscribe to our service.
Q:What is the charging rate and charging mechanism?
A:We offer different service plans to suit customer's needs. And we offer FREE service at the Hong Kong International Airport. Students and staffs from listed Universities and tertiary Institutes will also be able to enjoy FREE csl Wi-Fi services at all our csl Wi-Fi hotspots as well. For more information on our charging rates please visit our Service plans page.
Q:If I subscribe to the 24-hour/30-day csl Wi-Fi pre-paid pass thru online purchase, when will I be able to gain access to the service?
A:Customers who subscribed to the csl Wi-Fi pre-paid pass online will activate our service immediately upon purchase.
Q:Why didn't I receive a login ID and password when I purchased the 24-HOUR csl Wi-Fi pass online? How can I login to the csl Wi-Fi service next time?
A:If you had purchased the 24-HOUR csl Wi-Fi pass online, you will only need to use the same notebook computer that you've purchased the pass with to enjoy unlimited Internet access within 24 hours, no login process required.
Q:Where can I enjoy csl Wi-Fi service?
A:You can enjoy csl Wi-Fi service at the csl Wi-Fi hotspots. You can expereience a stable and reliable Internet access while at the airport, coffee shops, convenience stores, restaurants, Universities and tertiary institutes, shopping malls etc! Our csl Wi-Fi hotpsot locations are expanding rapidly, please click here for details.
Q:I am a 56K Dialup user, do I need to pay for PNETS charge when I use csl Wi-Fi service to access the Internet?
A:No, only csl Wi-Fi broadband connection charge will be billed.
Q:Is the free usage hours of my existing NETVIGATOR service applicable to csl Wi-Fi service?
A:No, you cannot use your free hours on your basic NETVIGATOR service on this csl Wi-Fi service.
Q:I am a NETVIGATOR customer but I don't want to use the csl Wi-Fi service, can I deactivate / opt out this service?
A:Yes. You can deactivate / opt out the csl Wi-Fi service through the csl Wi-Fi Change Setting Page.
If you are a Business plan subscriber, you can call our customer service hotline (according to your subscribed line service) for adding and deleting account as well as changing login password. (Note: If you opt out the csl Wi-Fi service, you can still keep your email account. However, if you opt out the email service, both the email account and the csl Wi-Fi service will be terminated.) |
Q:I have subscribed the Parental Control with my NETVIGATOR Broadband service. Are Content Filtering and Access Time Control features available when I am using csl Wi-Fi service?
A:No. Content Filtering and Access Time Control features do not apply to the csl Wi-Fi service.
Q:Can I enjoy the media contents on now.com.hk and moov.now.com.hk when using csl Wi-Fi service?
A:It depends on whether the Wi-Fi enabled device meets now.com.hk and moov.now.com.hk?|s basic system requirements. For more information please visit now.com.hk and moov.now.com.hk. Please note that the Hong Kong International Airport and Mac OS will not support the media contents from now.com.hk and moov.now.com.hk.
Q:How can I check my usage of this service?
A:If you are a monthly plan or Pay-As-You-Go user, you can check your usage on csl Wi-Fi service online by using our Online Usage Enquiry page under our Customer Service page. Select "My usage" -> "csl Wi-Fi" section and use your login ID and password to login. Then you can check your csl Wi-Fi usage.
Q:Does NETVIGATOR provide any Internet access service to csl Wi-Fi users?
A:csl Wi-Fi users (except csl Wi-Fi pass users) can enjoy NETVIGATOR 56K dial-up service. The dial-up no. is 3002 0500.
Q: Qeustion is...
A: Answer Here
Q:Can I use my company's outgoing mail server to send email when using csl Wi-Fi service?
A:This varies from company to company, depending on whether the relevant email server is accessible via the Internet. |
csl Wi-Fi Service |
Q:Do I need to install the NETVIGATOR Broadband Connection Software to connect to csl Wi-Fi service?
A:No. You only need to use your web browser to login to csl Wi-Fi service. You will be re-directed to the login page automatically when you entered a URL on browser address field.
Q:How can I know the quality of wireless connectivity between my wireless LAN card and the Access Point?
A:Your wireless LAN card should come with some utilities, which allow you to monitor link quality and signal strength. Please refer to the user manual of your wireless LAN card for details.
Q:What will be the coverage of the wireless signal within the hotspot?
A:The wireless signal of the Access Point usually can cover a radius of 50m in the closed environment. (i.e. the space is separated by floor-to-ceiling brick walls) Wireless signal is good within 25m. Beyond 25m, wireless signal strength will become weaker and data rate will drop. Actual performance may be varied depending on the radio conditions at the locations where the Access Points are installed.
Q:What factors will affect the signal strength?
A:Signal strength will be affected if the wireless LAN card or Access Point is placed near metal surfaces and solid high-density materials. If there are obstacles in the radio signal path between the Access Point and wireless LAN card, radio signal may either be absorbed or reflected. The coverage will hence be decreased. In addition, other products that operate in the 2.4GHz radio spectrum, including microwave ovens and some cordless phones, may cause interference. As a result, please keep away from microwave ovens when you are using our service.
Q:What is the bandwidth / throughput of this service?
A:csl Wi-Fi 100M Fiber hotspots connected to the Internet by optical fiber network with bandwidth up to 100Mbps. And the network speed of hotspots might vary according to user traffic. More, please note that the signal strength, environment and the number of users using the service at the hotspot and the specification of the device using the service would affect the actual speed experienced by user.
Q:When I try to connect to the Internet through csl Wi-Fi, a message"Site is over-crowded. Please try again later." Is displayed. What does it mean?
A:The number of concurrent connection at each wireless location is limited in order to ensure the throughput and the quality of the service. If you see this message, this means the concurrent connection limited is reach at your location. Please retry the connection later.
Q:The web browser does not bring me to the login page. What should I do?
A:First of all, please check the Network Name (sometimes called SSID or ESSID) setting on your wireless enabled device. Make sure the Network Name is set to "CSL" (all capital letters).
Next, check the quality of the wireless connectivity between your wireless LAN card and the Access Point. If the link quality and signal strength is low, you may need to change the position in order to improve the link quality. Some wireless LAN card allows you to install an external antenna. It can improve the link quality to some extent after installing an external antenna.
If the problem persists, please make sure your Wi-Fi device meets our minimum system requirement for csl Wi-Fi service.
If you are using Internet Explorer to browse the Internet, please make sure you have disabled the proxy server setting on your Internet Explorer by going to "Tools"menu -> "Internet Options" -> "Connections" -> "LAN Setting" Uncheck the checkbox of "Use a proxy server" and click then"OK".
If it still does not work, check if your wireless LAN card is using is using a fixed IP address. If so, please configure your wireless LAN card, Gateway and DNS to obtain IP addresses from remote server. In some rare cases, the built-in LAN card of your computer or notebook may interfere with your wireless LAN card. You may need to temporarily disable the built-in LAN card before you can use our service. To disable it, click "Start" -> "Settings" -> "Control Panel" to open the Control Panel. Next, open "System" from the Control Panel. Click the "Device Manager" tab and then double-click the built-in LAN card icon. Click "Disable in this hardware profile" and then click "OK".
Q:I am using PocketPC 2002 or above, my web browser does not bring me to the login page, what should I do?
A:First of all, please check the Network Name (sometimes called SSID or ESSID) setting on your wireless LAN card. Make sure the Network Name is set to "CSL" (all capital letters). Some wireless LAN card require you to unplug your wireless card and plug-in again to refresh the IP address after Network Name change.
Next, check the quality of the wireless connectivity between your wireless LAN card and the Access Point. If the link quality and signal strength is low, you may need to change the position in order to improve the link quality.
If it still does not work, try to shutdown all applications on your PocketPC by going to "Start" -> "Settings" -> "System", click the "Memory" icon -> "Running Programs". Click the "Stop All" button and then click "ok". Bring up your web browser and type in any valid URL and you should be able to see the csl Wi-Fi login page.
On some occasions, you may need to remove all cached files from your PocketPC by going to "Start" -> "Internet Browser" -> "Tools" -> "Options" And press the "Delete Files" button then "ok" for your web browser to correctly display the csl Wi-Fi login page.
Q:I cannot login successfully. What should I do?
A:First of all, make sure that you have chosen the correct user category and you have not deactivated the use of this service thru the csl Wi-Fi Change Service Setting page. Make sure to choose the correct login category/domain for logging in to the csl Wi-Fi service. Check also if you have entered the correct login ID and password. Note that login ID and passwords are case-sensitive.
Please note that Netteens 56K dialup and Mobile Bundle subscribers without valid @netvigator.com or @hkstar.com email account cannot enjoy this service.
Next, please ensure that you are not using the same account to connect to Internet elsewhere (e.g. through 56K dialup at home or NETVIGATOR Roaming service aboard). |
Q:Why can't I use Telnet and FTP services to one4all.netvigator.com or b1.hkstar.com over csl Wi-Fi service?
A:For security reasons, you cannot make telnet or ftp connection to one4all.netvigator.com and b1.hkstar.com servers. There is no such restriction for Telnet and FTP connection to other hosts over the Internet.
Q:I cannot view now media contents on now.com.hk and on moov.now.com.hk when using csl Wi-Fi service. What is gone wrong?
A:First, please check your system configuration meets the basic requirement for now.com.hk viewing. Then please make sure you are not connected with any VPN connection over the csl Wi-Fi service. If the above two points are met, you should be able to view movies on now.com.hk. Please be noted that now.com.hk and moov.now.com.hk are not supported at the Hong Kong International Airport and does not support users with Macintosh machines. For more information please visit now.com.hk and moov.now.com.hk
Q:Is there any connection timeout for the csl Wi-Fi service?
A:If you have subscribed to csl Wi-Fi service plan with unlimited access, basically you can use the service without any time limitation. When your device has been connected to Wi-Fi for over 4 hours, you will be required to login again. If you are connecting to a VPN at the same time, the VPN connection will also be terminated at the same time.If there is no data transfer between the device and Wi-Fi connection, for example you have shut down your device or it is out of hotspot coverage for 10 minutes. You will also be required to login to the service again.)
Q:I have accidentally close the Disconnect pop-up window. How can I disconnect?
A:Please go to the website hotspot.cslwifi.com and then click the "Disconnect" button to disconnect. If you are enjoying the service at the Hong Kong International Airport, you will need to open the web browser again. The Disconnect pop-up window will open automatically.
Q:I forget to logout before turning off my Wi-Fi enabled device. Am I already disconnected?
A:Turning off your Wi-Fi enabled device does not disconnect your connection, you will be automatically be logged out after a 10 minutes idle period. At normal wireless locations, you can go to the web page hotspot.cslwifi.com to disconnect.
Q:My notebook is idle and go into sleep mode automatically. Am I still connecting to the service?
A:Yes, you are still connecting to our service. After you have waked your device up, you should be able to access the Internet without going through the login procedure. If not, please restart your device and try again. However, if the 10 minutes timeout session reached, you will need to re-login before you can surf the Internet.
Q:My notebook or PocketPC hangs while I am using the csl Wi-Fi service. Should I re-connect after reboot?
A:No, you are still connecting to our service. After you restart your device, you should be able to access the Internet.
Q:My connection to the Internet was lost. What should I do?
A:First of all, please check if you are connecting to a VPN. As some companies block access to the Internet after connecting to their VPN.
Otherwise, this situation is usually due to poor wireless connectivity between your computer and the Access Point. You may need to change the position in order to improve the link quality. If it still does not work, please restart your device and try again. Please note that you are not required to re-login after reboot.
Q:I have a fixed IP address assigned to my wireless LAN card for my office LAN use, do I need to change the setting to use csl Wi-Fi service?
A:No, you can use csl Wi-Fi service without changing your system IP setting. However, you may not be able to use some of the peer-to-peer applications such as NetMeeting and online games, etc. In addition, VPN connection may fail if you are using fixed IP address.
If you intend to use these applications, please configure your wireless LAN card to obtain IP addresses from remote servers. Please refer to the user guide on how to configure your wireless LAN card to obtain IP addresses from remote server. For your own reference, please note that the original information before making any changes.
For PocketPC users, you must change the setting of your wireless LAN card to obtain IP address, gateway and DNS addresses from remote server by selecting the "Use server-assigned IP address" option under "Star" -> "Settings" -> "Connections" -> "Network Adapters" -> your wireless LAN card ->"Properties". Otherwise, you cannot successfully connect to csl Wi-Fi service.
Q:Are there any security measures when I use the csl Wi-Fi service at public access locations?
A:To increase the security level, your login ID and password are encrypted and sent via SSL to the server. In addition, you have the option to turn on secure POP3 when receiving email through an email client. For your own safety, you are advised not to send or receive confidential information without encryption over the Internet.
Please be noted that for PocketPC users, the Inbox that comes with your PocketPC does not support SSL POP connection. The login ID and password you typed for POP3 authentication is not sent to our server in secure mode.
Q:What do I have to change if I want to send / receive email when using csl Wi-Fi service at public access locations?
A:you can send / receive email as usual without changing any settings on your email client. In this case, your login ID and password will not be encrypted. However, you have the option to turn on secure POP when receiving email. Your login ID and password will be encrypted before sending to our POP server. If your email client supports POP3 over SSL (e.g. Outlook Express 5.x/6.x, Netscape 6 or above), you are recommended to enable it.
Please be noted that for PocketPC users, the Inbox that comes with your PocketPC does not support SSL POP connection. The login ID and password you typed for POP3 authentication is not sent to our server in secure mode.
Q:Can I use VPN application to connect to my office Intranet?
A:Yes, you can use IPSec VPN application to connect to your office Intranet. You have to login csl Wi-Fi service before making your VPN connection. However, if you assigned a fixed IP address to your wireless LAN card, you may fail to connect to your VPN. It is recommended not to use fixed IP address if ou want to make VPN connections.
To disconnect our service, you cannot simply click the "Disconnect" button from the disconnect pop-up window while you are connecting to the VPN. You must disconnect your VPN connection first then click the "Disconnect" button from the disconnect pop-up window. If you cannot find the disconnect pop-up window, please open the web page hotspot.cslwifi.com and then click the "Disconnect" button to disconnect.
Upon session timeout, your VPN connection will be automatically disconnected together with the Internet access connection.
Unlimited Monthly Usage Plan - Auto-login feature |
Q:What is the Auto-login feature?
A:This allows users to connect to csl Wi-Fi securely, without having to use a login ID and password. All csl Wi-Fi Unlimited Monthly Usage Plan subscribers are entitled to this feature, which is very convenient for customers who use the same gadget or gadgets time after time to get online.
The system will register designated Wi-Fi device after a simple setting-up process. When that same gadget connects at any csl Wi-Fi hotspot, users can skip the login-ID-and-password process and get online securely right away.
Customers are still able to login via the csl Wi-Fi landing page with a login ID and password if they so choose. Eligible customers can register and activate their Wi-Fi enabled devices for the Auto-login feature online. In fact, you can register up to three of your most frequently-used Wi-Fi gadgets for the feature.
Q:Who is eligible for this feature?
A:All csl Wi-Fi Unlimited Monthly Usage Plan paying subscribers are eligible and will receive a notification email on how to register and activate their devices.
Q:Can I register as many devices as I want?
A:csl Wi-Fi Unlimited Monthly Usage Plan subscribers can register up to three laptops or mobile devices. You can register your most frequently-used devices and change your devices registered anytime online via www.cslwifi.com, (then select "Service Support" and click "Unlimited Monthly Usage Plan User")
Q:Can I use the same mobile number to register Auto-login on 3 different devices?
Q:Can I register the Auto-login feature for laptops and mobile gadgets?
A: |
- csl Wi-Fi Unlimited Monthly Usage Plan subscribers can register laptops, mobile phones, iPhone or iPod Touch handsets, PDAs, iPad/ Tablet PC and other Wi-Fi enabled gadgets.
The system requirement for Laptop: Windows XP Home (SP2), Windows XP Professional (SP2), Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Mac OS X or more recent, and iPad.
The system requirement for Mobile Device: Windows Mobile 6.0 or more recent, Symbian S60 (3rd Edition) or more recent Android OS 1.5 or more recent and the UIQ 3.0 or more recent, as well as the iPhone and iPod OS (but not iPad).
Q:Can I connect all Auto-login activated devices to csl Wi-Fi for simultaneous use?
A:You can use the Auto-login feature on any one of the activated gadgets.
Q:As a csl Wi-Fi Unlimited Monthly Usage Plan subscriber, which SSID should I adopt when using the Auto-login feature?
A:You should connect to the CSL SSID. The system will acknowledge your activated device. Then you can connect to csl Wi-Fi without using a login ID and password.
Q:Can I connect to the service at all csl Wi-Fi hotspots when using the Auto-login feature?
A:csl Wi-Fi Unlimited Monthly Usage Plan subscribers can connect to the service at all csl Wi-Fi hotspots when using the Auto-login feature. For Wi-Fi hotspots, please visit www.cslwifi.com.
Q:Can I still be able to enjoy Auto-login with an activated Wi-Fi device overseas?
A:Auto-login function can be used in Hong Kong only and not available in other regions.
Unlimited Monthly Usage Plan - Auto-login feature |
Q:How do I subscribe to the csl Wi-Fi Unlimited Monthly Usage Plan?
A:Please call our sales hotline on 2888 0008 or visit any of our PCCW shops.
Q:Can I use the Auto-login feature immediately after subscribing?
A:After you receive your login ID and password, you can login to csl Wi-Fi service at any csl Wi-Fi hotspot via the landing page. You will receive an email containing instructions on how to register your devices for the Auto-login feature. After successful registration and activated the device, you can connect to csl Wi-Fi service without having to use a login ID and password.
Q:My csl Wi-Fi plan is currently not with unlimited usage and paid. How can I use Auto-login feature?
A:You may upgrade your csl Wi-Fi service plan to Unlimited Monthly Usage plan via our Sales Hotline.
Unlimited Monthly Usage Plan - Auto-login feature |
Registration and Activation |
TOP ∧ |
Q:How do I know if I am eligible to register for the Auto-login feature?
A:Unlimited Monthly Usage plan paying subscribers are able to use Auto-login feature with no additional cost. Eligible customers will receive an email on how to register and activate the Auto-login feature. This notification will be sent to a customer's NETVIGATOR email account or the email address provided as part of the subscription process.
Q:Where can I register my devices for the Auto-login feature?
A:You can register via www.cslwifi.com > Service Support > Change Service Settings, then click the "Unlimited Monthly Plan User" button to register.
Q:How do I activate the Auto-login feature once registered?
A:After you register for the Auto-login feature, an SMS containing a 7-digit activation code will be sent to the mobile phone number you nominated during the registration process. You can activate the Auto-login feature using a Wi-Fi device at any csl Wi-Fi hotspot by first connecting to the CSL SSID, then entering the activation code in the appropriate place.
Q:What should I do if I do not receive the activation code?
A:Please call our customer service representatives on 1000 to request an activation code to be resent via SMS.
Unlimited Monthly Usage Plan - Auto-login feature |
Login and Connection |
TOP ∧ |
Q:Do I need to login using a login ID and password when connecting to csl Wi-Fi under the csl Wi-Fi Unlimited Monthly Usage Plan?
A:Unlimited Monthly Usage Plan paying subscribers can connect to csl Wi-Fi with Auto-login enabled gadgets without having to use a login ID and password. After you have connected to the CSL SSID and opened a browser, you will be directed to the "Connect Page" to confirm connection. Please click "Connect" to start browsing.
Alternatively, csl Wi-Fi Unlimited Monthly Usage Plan paying subscribers can login to the service at any csl Wi-Fi hotspot using a login ID and password on the csl Wi-Fi landing page with any Wi-Fi enabled devices, even if that device is not registered for the Auto-login feature.
Q:How do I disconnect when using the Auto-login feature?
A:You will see a "Welcome Page" after you confirm you want to connect to csl Wi-Fi. Click the "Disconnect" button on the "Welcome Page"to disconnect.
The URL of the "Welcome Page" is http://hotspot.cslwifi.com/
Q:Can I login to the service via the csl Wi-Fi landing page when using unregistered devices?
A:csl Wi-Fi Unlimited Monthly Usage Plans subscribers can login to the service at any csl Wi-Fi hotspot using a login ID and password on the csl Wi-Fi landing page with any Wi-Fi enabled devices, even if that device is not registered for the Auto-login feature.
Unlimited Monthly Usage Plan - Auto-login feature |
Q:Do I need to visit a hotspot in order to manage my Auto-login feature setting?
A:You can access to www.cslwifi.com anywhere online to manage your settings. If you would like to change the devices you have registered for the Auto-login feature, you need to visit a csl Wi-Fi hotspot to activate the new device.
Q:Can I change my registered devices whenever I want?
A:Yes. If you have already registered three devices for the Auto-login feature, you can simply delete entries for any of the registered devices and replace them.
Q:Why do I need to name a device for Auto-login registration?
A:This helps you to identify a device and manage your settings easily at the "Device settings" portal.
Q:What should I do if I want to rename a registered device?
A:After you login to the "Device settings" portal, click "Rename" and enter the device name you prefer in the textbox shown, then click "Submit" to confirm.
Unlimited Monthly Usage Plan - Auto-login feature |
Q:Will I be charged for the Auto-login feature?
A:All csl Wi-Fi Unlimited Monthly Usage Plan subscribers are eligible for this feature free of charge. Your monthly fee remains the same.